Vibrant red barn amidst lush greenery and cloudy skies in Wisconsin.


Africa is the continent with the most poverty, as of 2025 67% of people living in extreme poverty, live in sub-Saharan Africa. Ethiopia in particular is a country which is often considered to have the best land stock from available data collected, but sadly due to poor infrastructure, government corruption and past famines and droughts, there is still starvation in the nation. Our organization refuses to let this keep happening, we want to progress Ethiopia forward. Currently many major cities such as Addis Ababa live in comfort but even now desolate places with little to no infrastructure are struggling. In fact in the region of Tigray there is a major food shortage and increase of hunger that is very serious. Our purpose is to end this, for all Ethiopians.

child, africa, festival, trip, ethiopia, sugar, love, brotherhood, ethiopia, ethiopia, ethiopia, ethiopia, ethiopia

Our Mission

Build a major environmental friendly ranch/farm based in Ethiopia with, newer and better technologies so all people can be fed.